Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, July 5, 2010

So Nautical

On our last day in sunny South Haven we took the ladies out for a boat ride down the river. We saw ducks, turtles, geese, and oddly-named boats (one named 'Mine' that was for sale). We brought two bags of hotdog/hamburger buns to share with the wildlife, but most of it ended up in Sanna's stomach. The girls edged closer and closer to the water as they leaned over the edge of the inflatable. I wonder if Sanna would have jumped in to pet the ducks if we wouldnt have stopped her. We returned back to our boring normal life this afternoon and will try to create some excitement to fill the blog after and action-packed weekend.


G.A.Sandy said...

ah, life on the water.....

like the new pic technique...

Aunt Sandy

Kathy said...

Oh I can feel their excitement in their smiales and energy that the pictures show..You will have to do a slideshow for the girls to see if they remember the moments.


Patti said...

You have us spoiled now! We are again expecting daily updates! :)