Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Independent Women

We escaped the oppressive heat of Indianapolis and headed for the oppressive heat of South Haven. High of 87 and sunny today, so we should have more chances for water photography. The girls received their second birthday present from Grandma and Papa Hendrickson. We are now the toughest biker gang in South Haven, which isnt saying much. The girls have mastered ringing their bells to let people know they are coming. Pedaling is another story. Luckily there is a coast mode which allows us to push them while they rest their feet on the pedals. The girls also took their first dip in Lake Michigan. Sanna wanted to fly in the air while Riley wanted to be held tight as the small waves were a cause for concern. After their swimming lessons later this summer they will be on their way to being better swimmers than their father, which isnt saying much.


G.A.Sandy said...

Happy Fourth and Yahoo!!!

Aunt Sandy and Uncle Norm

Kathy said...

Love you all. Have a great holiday. Looks like lots of fun ahead.
