Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, July 24, 2010


Today was the big day. The bounce house arrived as did all of our guests and the 100 degree heat. Thankfully our backyard was well shaded. Grandma Smith made the sweetest Yo Gabba Gabba cakes the world has ever seen. Riley drank 12-15 juice boxes. Sanna bounced endlessly with all her friends. There were no baby fights over toys, vehicles, or food. It was a magical day. We are hoping all the fun and heat will lead to some extra sleeping, but that is normal wishful thinking. Thanks to everyone that came out to make Sanna and Riley's second birthdays their best yet. Let the planning begin for next year. Im not sure how we will top it.


G.A.Sandy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS!! Thanks so much for sharing, we were wondering how it all went, looks like just grand!!

Aunt Sandy and Uncle Norm

Kathy said...

Oh Grandma the cakes made the trip down to Indy. Looks like everyone had a ball. Look forward to seeing everyone in person soon. Like Sanna floating in the bouncy air.

Love G.A.Kathy

Patti said...

Happy Birthday Little Angels!

It looks HOT! (and fun..) Please put up a picture of the cakes. More, more, more pictures!!!:)