Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Good Times

Monday, June 28, 2010

Porch Pool Party

After spending an hour getting dressed in our 'baby suits', putting on 'block', and walking ovret to the pool, we realized that it was closed on Sunday. We didnt want to let our preparations go to waste, so we decided to have a pool party at home. That was until it started raining on the way home. So, we utilized our covered porch and filled the pool on the porch. The girls enjoyed the hose mostly. Everyone had a wonderful time and no neighbors witnessed our very odd pool party.

This video is not from the pool party, but from a post-bath attempt at dressing themselves while I was gone last week for work. enjoy.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there! We hope that you get the fun, relaxing day that you all truly deserve! We love all of you dads, but this post is dedicated to our very own #1 dad.

I always knew that my husband would make a wonderful father, but he has exceeded my wildest expectations. Ryan is so involved in Sanna and Riley's lives and makes them both feel so important and loved. He is always there when any of us need him and always puts our needs and feelings before his own. I can't imagine having a better husband and father to my children. Sorry guys, but Ryan has set a pretty high bar for you in the fathering department. People are constantly amazed by how much of the "load" that he carries. He truly loves spending time with the girls and is constantly helping me keep my sanity by bearing more than his share of the burden of raising two-year-old twins. I can't even express in words how much we appreciate and love him. Our family is known for our AMAZING sense of humor and HILARIOUS use of sarcasm, but I will try to put that aside just for one day to tell Ryan the things we are constantly thinking but don't say nearly enough. THANK YOU FOR BEING A TRULY AMAZING HUSBAND AND FATHER! WE LOVE YOU!

I will also take this time to wish a Happy Father's Day to my own father and father-in-law. My dad was always there for me when I needed him, and his example of what a husband and father should be surely led me to Ryan. As for Greg, he is a great man and certainly played a huge role in the man that Ryan is today and, for that, I thank him.

Below are a few of my favorite pics of Ryan and the girls.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Big Pool, Big Fun

Monday, June 14, 2010

These Boots Were Made for Stumblin

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Alpha Female

Can you guess which one is the bossy one? Also, those sirens are not coming from our neighborhood, just the shiny new police car on the front porch. We should note that this went on for another 20 minutes.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Late Night Fun

We had a cookout with some friends today, and the girls stayed out until almost 8 o'clock! We think they will sleep until noon tomorrow thanks to all the fun they had today. Towards the end of the party the sprinkler came out and the fun really started. Riley was temporarily spooked by one of the men at the party, resulting in her crying pictures. Two seconds later she was giving him high fives, so I am no sure what goes on in her head. The girls were well-behaved for once. Nobody was bitten or slappe during the party. There was even some sharing with only occasional reminders from us.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Backyard Fun

I think we are in for a summer of bikini shots as it has been too hot to do anything but play in the water. Immediately after our return from the lake we headed over to the Iannucci's to enjoy their newly-fenced backyard. Ryan had been promising a fence for months and it had finally appeared. As you can see in one of the pictures below, Max enjoys the new yard the most. Riley continued her terrible twos by smacking Erin in the head (which Erin took like a champ) and declaring the chair she is sitting in (in the pic below) 'MINE'. Her third birthday cant come soon enough. Grandma Nancy did remind us that Laurin had terrible threes, so Riley may have two years of fun to come.