Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, March 20, 2010

New Camera = Photo Gold

Thanks to the generosity of one Frank Souza I share with you the following pictures. I received a new (old) camera of his in the mail this week and went right to work. It is a film camera with a really nice zoom macro lens on it. A new camera coupled with some great weather resulted in my favorite Riley picture ever (the last pic). The roll with many Sanna pictures will be developed tomorrow. Anyway, enjoy my adventures in black and white film on a Nikon N6000.


Maria said...

I am coveting your camera and your great pictures. (and I am up really early because Ada has been up since 4:30 with an ear infection. If you are asleep, I am also coveting your sleep.)

G.A.Sandy said...

STUNNING! You are really in to it, godson of mine, a true chip off the grandmother block... these pics are just beautiful, the b/w tones sharp as can be.

G.A. Sandy

p.s. did set up family group...did you see? Thanks for the tech advice.