Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Girl Who Cried 'Poo'

The biggest highlight of our week (besides being sick still) was the acquisition of the girl's potty. It is more practical than the one that goes on top of our toilet, but there are obvious downsides. Being accessible (we keep it in the closet in their playroom) means they ask for it constantly. Every time we agree to let them use it we have to take off their clothes (apparently pretending like you are going to go potty requires complete nudity). Also, if they ever were to go we would have to clean the thing out which doesnt look fun. The toilet is supposed to play music when they go. We havent heard anything yet, but have 'tried' numerous times. The first picture shows Sanna relaxing after a failed attempt. The other pics are randoms from the last week or so. My camera was dead for most of the week so it is slim pickings.


Kathy said...

a wise woman once told me anything worth doing is worth doing poorly until you get it right... so do not give up. How about reading on the potty. Good Job


mariellen said...

The novelty will pass (and hopefully other things will to...).

Grammy S