Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, March 1, 2010

Im Sowwy

Being gone on business the entire week makes it tough to document our children's lives. Also, I was immediately welcomed by visitors after my arrival home. Here are some of the highlights of the weekend...

As you can see, Max came to play. Booger was around too. He isnt in any of the pictures because he spent most of his visit in time out for being evil.

The girls took some time out to nap with their best friend

World's biggest lap dog.

This wasnt from the weekend. Riley was making an evil face while squeezing Sanna's head between her hands. Oddly enough, Sanna found it amusing. These two have taken to beating on eachother recently. I think we are in for a wild next 12 months/years. I think we have a couple of brutes on our hands. Please dont call CPS on us if the kids show up with black eyes and bloody lips. They just like to wrastle. Yes I misspelled that on purpose. Also, Sanna is now our official brat/evildoer. Riley may have a short fuse and lash out, but Sanna has bad intentions and a devious mind. She is constantly ripping toys out of Riley's hands and has taken to slapping everyone with her tiny fists of fury. It was cute for a millisecond. Now she is racking up the timeouts which appear to have no effect on her. It is hard to stay mad at them when they come out of the timeout and hug the other one and say 'sowwy'. I know they dont mean it though. They are already using their cuteness as a weapon.


G.A.Sandy said...

Wow- love this. Max looks like someone I would like...
cute the pic with him and the girls on the floor.
Yes, you are in for some really "interesting sister times"...complete with the only momentary Im sowwy episodes. Amma Mariellen and Jenna...great pics!!
And how fast did the girls get all those teeth!! The better to smile at everyone and work their charms...

G.A. Sandy

Patti said...

You are just not allowed to go out of town anymore!!!! I LOVE the lap dog!

Ryan Iannucci said...

Looks like you guys had a fun weekend even though we weren't here. ;) I realized I haven't checked your blog in forever - if it's any consolation, I just realized that there was stuff Melissa had posted on ours that I hadn't seen yet either. I think I'm clearly RunnerUp Ryan when it comes to blogs.

Kathy said...

Love seeing Aunt and Grandma together with the girls. Teeth oh bite that will be next. Have fun it is only beginning..
