Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The End of an Era

One thing we have always been able to count on was our girls' ability to sleep. Every night we put them to bed at 7 and they wake up between 730 and 800 (830 thanks to the recent time change). Also, they would nap for 1-1.5 hours in the late morning. Today, however, everything changed. Sanna has become less excited about sleeping, pitching major fits at bed time and nap time. Today, Laurin put her down for a nap and she did her normal whining/talking to avoid sleeping. About 20 minutes into her 'nap' we heard her start crying quite loudly. We didnt hear a thud, so we listened for a while and she stopped crying. After a while, Laurin turned the monitor on only to hear the sound of someone turning the TV on. We knew what was going on at that point and snuck upstair to sneek a peek. She was sitting quietly on the floor playing with a stuffed animal while Riley slept to soothing sounds of a soap opera. We decided she wasnt hurting anyone and didnt want to wake Riley, so we let he stay out of the crib. About 15 minutes later, I went to check on her and found Riley awake and Sanna sitting in her baby's stroller, topless. I rushed down to get my camera and snapped the shot in this post. After going upstairs to get Riley out of her crib we found that Sanna had emptied all of her clothes out of the dresser in an apparent attempt to find a better shirt. She failed in her attempts and gave up I guess. Anyway, I guess we need to build higher walls on the cribs or strap the girls in at naptime.


Patti said...

Uh Oh..... They are going to need separate bedrooms soon! Way to go Nanners! :)

mariellen said...

Perhaps it's time for a video cam, as well as a audio monitor. Could make for some great blog videos

Patti said...

I vote YES on the video cam and audio monitor! GREAT idea mariellen!

G.A.Sandy said...

Oh, here come the really interesting times!!!

G.A. Sabdt

Ryan Iannucci said...

If you do upgrade to a video cam, you should get one that has a 2000 ft range.

Kathy said...

yes the terrible two's are a coming..and they are ahead of schedule . This is when parents wonder who is must work harder to stay a head. oh the memories this brings to me of my kids when they were youngsters.

Better to watch from a far in awe!!


Patti said...

Have they climbed over a baby gate yet?