Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, January 17, 2010

We Stormed Ft. Drlich

Yesterday we were again caught in the Bermes vortex, leaving us with a logistical quagmire. The end result was a fun trip to the Drlich's to drop Bri off at home. The Drlich boys saw trouble brewing the minute we pulled up.

Baby Sam was so scared he hid under the table with a box of McNuggets. He was quickly flushed out and his food was stolen.

Riley continued the takeover by declaring all of their toys as her own. You might think this is her super excited face. Really, its her 'ha, I just stole all your toys and you work for me now' face.

To the victor go the spoils.


G.A.Sandy said...

Way to go Riley...the world is full of fun places and lots of toys and goodies....

G.A. Sandy

Bri said...

There was a lot of cuteness in that room.

I love Sam's look on his face under the table -- he knew he was doing something wrong.

Kathy said...

I smell a type A girl...YES!!
Riley the world is your oyster.

Great Aunty Kathy