Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Half Birthday Photo Shoot

The girls ended up providing my with a great photo op by climbing on top of their new table and chair set. The space really isnt big enough for both of them since touching is not allowed. The violence went both ways, but the pictures mostly reflect Sanna as the victim. She would antagonize Riley then get mad when the violence rained down on her.

Three posts in one weekend. You would think we led an exciting life.


Nancy Hendrickson said...

Sanna and Riley wouldn't be antagonizing each other if you had gone out and purchased the ice cream cake as promised! Good football today! Indy must be manic with a Super Bowl bound team!

G.A.Sandy said...

Love the are getting sooo good, Daddy.

And we are loving the blog all weekend..thanks for the entertainment and delight...

Love;G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

oh so lovely daddy!!
