Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Bunnies

It snowed about 6" today. We decided it was too fun out to avoid the winter weather any more. We dressed the girls in two pairs of socks, 2 pairs of pants, 2 shirts, snowsuits, rain boots (we dont have two pairs of winter boots yet) and their monkey gloves. The completely white background in most pics and the still falling snow made for some fun pics. I will put the rest in flickr.

Riley spent most of the outdoor adventure standing in place whining or in her mother's arms. She didnt take to the snow like her fearless sister.

Melissa was so excited to join the party she pushed Erin 4 blocks through 6" of snow. Apparently that was preferrable to carrying her.

Our neighbor Laura brought her daughters Natalie and Melissa over. This is Natalie, who cant yet walk, but was excited to stand in the snow in her very insulated outfit.

Sanna took to the snow like an eskimo. She ran up and down the block, threw snowballs, made snow angels, and a snow fort. She is bound for the winter olympics 2026. She will most likely compete in the ski jump or doubles luge.

I hope they fit in these snowsuits for a little while longer. They are perfect. And great for twin photography.

Team Pink gathered for a brief conference before going their separate ways. Melissa thought they should all eat snow, Riley thought crying was the best plan of attack, Sanna wanted to run, and Natalie wanted to sweat.


Nancy Hendrickson said...

How cute is that! How could Riley be sad when she is wearing MONKEY GLOVES? Team Pink looks like they are plotting something. You'd better keep a close eye on all of them! Wish I was there for the fun!

Patti said...

OMG! Too cute! I LOVE the pink!

G.A.Sandy said...

Wow---almost makes me miss the snow...almost.
The pictures are pink so photogenic.
The monkey gloves are wonderful...

Loved the pics on Flickr,too.

G.A. Sandy

mariellen said...

Looks like great fun! I'm glad they were keeping the monkey gloves on. If I remember, Riley also cried on the beach in the water, so obviously she needs to move to Arizona as dry conditons are her favorite.


irisheyes said...

Great pictures, Laurin. Loved the "team pink" comment and picture. You are such dedicated picture takers. It is a wonderful way to share the good times.

Kathy said...

Oh I am seeing Pink....Great pictures. Riley will have to be Sanna's manager.
