Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, January 28, 2010

Random Pics from a Week of Sickness

Our girls have been snotty all week. In an ultimate display of their sharing skills they even shared their cold with Erin and myself. I blame the Children's museum for starting this mess. Katie's photo mastery has inspired me to post more B&W shots. The first is of our new coffe mugs that laurin ordered.

Laurin and I have been drinking lots of coffee to keep up with our active ladies who are super whiny this week. You would think this cold would have slowed them down. It just seems to have caused them to whine as they run around and wipe their noses on things. Also, they decided napping was overrated this week. They dont seem to mind being left in their cribs for an hour or so, but we could hear them yapping at eachother most of the time.

Riley took a break from her normal passtime of animal brutality to share the couch with Frankie. It must be the soothing distraction that is Yo Gabba Gabba that brought out the love.

The girls go up and down the stairs by themselves now. For some reason they have switched to a new method of scooting down on their butts. It is much slower, which is annoying to us. I think they are closer to walking down the stairs though.


Kathy said...

Even tho it has not been the best week the Girls look great. So glad an intermediary was helpful for Franke.Just remind the girls not to go head first..butt first is good.


G.A.Sandy said...

ah, the great stairs trek.....looking good.

Hope the snooties go away soon...

Tell me more about those coffee cups...

G.A. Sandy