Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Play Group Minus the Group

In my infinite wisdom, I decided today was a good day to attempt another neighborhood play group. The forecast called for a high of 52 without rain. Having been out of town for the last four days I didnt realize it had rained the previous two days, leaving the park a little soggy. I sent out an invitation to meet at the park in the afternoon and noone showed up, proving Laurin right. Despite assuring me that noone would come, I felt we still needed to make an appearance as the organizers.

Sanna was so sad that none of her friends showed up she hardly cracked a smile on her favorite apparatus, the swings. She sat there for 10 minutes on the verge of tears.

Luckily, after that ten minutes, she found her way over to the slide, where much fun was had. She climbed up to the top all by herself and scooted her little butt to the edge, sending her down the slide like a pro.

In order to help her fully enjoy her favorite thing momma got on the swing with her for some photo gold. Riley was there too, but her pics didnt turn out as well so she was cut out of this post.

Finally, Riley makes it into the post in a pic taken while I was in Michigan. Granny Smith bought them some new dresses and convinced riley that the underpants were hats, which she was happy to go along with.


Maria said...

i love these pictures. can i steal your camera?

Nancy Hendrickson said...

Wow..... great pictures! You can see the hair standing up on Sanna's head during her action shot, and a clear family resemblance between Laurin and Sanna on the swings. There was also a family resemblance noted between the two wearing pants on their heads!

G.A.Sandy said...

I love the b/w photos....wonderful. And the one with 'amma Smith and the girls with the underpants is too precious....

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

Oh LA LA Girls setting a new trend...which is easy in Indy I think! That Grandma always has terrific ideas of course she looks like us too. You can use the monkeys on the bed song only sub pants on the head and go for it...
