Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, January 31, 2010

On the Bubble

In an effort to pass time on a sick Sunday, we ventured to target after picking up some milkshakes. As we wandered around looking for some new shoes to replace the one Sanna lost on our walk yesterday I found a bubble machine. Its essentially a gun that shoots bubbles. Riley was so excited about it she puked right when we got home. She didnt seem too fazed. A definite puke and rally. We also got some Elmo dvds to pass the time on the plane next week.


mariellen said...

Wonderful pictures! The last two are priceless. The elmo videos along with a little Benadryl should make the flight a breeze.


Maria said...

these pictures are so great!

Patti said...

The pictures say "BLISS!"

G.A.Sandy said...

wow.....bliss is right! Just sheer wonderful joy!!!
Capturing the joy is quite a feat and you did it!!!

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

Did a monster get her shoes...oh dear. Love the Bubbly atmosphere.Yes benadryl works nicely for their ears on the plane. Can't wait to see you all.
