Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, January 24, 2010

1.5 Years of Fun

I want to thank our blog for informing me that our children are 18 months old today. From what I recall of being young, half birthdays are a big deal until you are about 5. We will be celebrating today by napping at our normal time and watching football. Quite the birthday extravaganza for a 1.5 year old. If they are lucky I will run out and get an ice cream cake. We will let them stay up until 705 as a birthday treat. I am also putting up a poll, which I havent done in a while. I want to restart the discussion of who looks like who, as it continues to challenge me. Laurin has always said I am not good at comparing peoples looks, but I think this one is extra tough. Here are a couple pics from this morning as we have no birthday party to document. Maybe more excitement will occur later on leading to a better birthday post. I found two of the most unflattering pictures to embarrass the girls with.

Ever wondered what someone looks like at the exact instant they sneeze? Well here is your answer. I wish I could have caught the mist exiting her mouth and coating our playroom.

Riley couldnt find her milk cup so she checked in her nose just to be thorough.

This one is actually pretty cute. Sorry Riley, I dont have any cute ones of you to post yet today.


Kathy said...

We all look like ourselves and you daughters are so beautiful no matter how you catch them with the camera. Keep up the blog imagine 1.5 years of captivating pics. Terrific. Did Riley ever find her cup?


G.A.Sandy said...

That sneeze pic is a photographic coup...congrats.
Sometimes I see Laurin in both the girls and sometimes I see those dna chains are all a-mingled to create perfection...but that is not a surprise!!

G.A. Sandy