Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, November 16, 2009

Zoo, Round Two

Another nice Fall day found us at the zoo to pass the day away. We tried letting the girls walk around more, which was good and bad. Here are some of the highlights.

Everybody was calm and happy with each other for this brief second. I am sure Riley bit Sanna for grabbing her hand too hard shortly after this.

We found another set of twins displaying proper sibling conduct. I think Riley made her 'roar' noise at them despite them not being lions.

Sanna enjoyed a little alone time on the bench.

We stayed close to this guys all day in case any trouble started. There were some questionable characters wandering the zoo that day.

The zoo felt bad the the normal goat/pig petting zoo was closed so they opened the chimp exhibit up to the kids. Waldo was not happy to see us. He wouldnt even look at me for this picture.

Riley thought about climbing into the lion exhibit to see her favorite animals, but I talked her down.

An odd session of interpretive dance broke out on the bench. It was a combination of 'the move' and other odd positions. What was funny was that they were always doing the same thing despite not seeing each other.

Grandma Smith thought it was a good idea to suggest that Riley kiss the penguin for a picture. The combination of Riley's aggressive kisses and the penguin being made of metal resulted in a crying baby. Way to go grandma. I am surprised she didnt knock out any teeth on that metal beak.


G.A.Sandy said...

Hey, pretty neat set of photos, sounds like a good day with all kinds of interesting stuff. I especially liked the interpretive dance...very scientifically interesting re twin behavior.

Thanks, love the pics as always and all of you.

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

Only kiss metal statues when it is warm..Grandma Smith knew that so she wanted to get the kisses in now. Love the bench routine too. Can not wait to see all of you next week. XXOO


irisheyes said...

What great pictures of the girls. The one that is now the header for your blog is a one-in-a-million shot. You've taken the million pics and now you've gotten the perfect picture. Keep it up.

Patti said...

I love the picture of the dance moves on the bench!