Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Random Assortment

Due to the lack of time spent with the babies this week there isnt much to offer. Most of my pictures were actually taken of Erin this weekend. This one is my favorite, but you will probably see more on soon. She makes almost as many different faces as Riley.

I loaned my camera to our neighbor who shot a picture of our house as he walked over to bring it back. I used the 'color outline' filter to produce this. I thought all the bare trees looked cool. If we had more lights on in our house at the time you would have seen more detail there.

We went over to the Iannucci's for some of Melissa's home cooking, shephard's pie. By home cooking, we mean she heated up a dish her mother sent her home with from Atlanta. Either way, it was thoroughly enjoyed. Riley mostly enjoyed the tupperware.

Our girls caused minimal trouble. No babies were harmed during our one hour visit. We should keep all trips out of the house under an hour in the future to avoid trouble.

Depsite having already eaten dinner, Sanna insisted on sharing her mother's food. It kept her happy, so we agreed.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Erin is really a sweetheart. The house picture is good. How do you get more detail? Happy Thanksgiving to all . I get to see the Smith's for turkey day.
