Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, November 29, 2009

So Much Thanksgiving Fun

We got quite a group together for our Thanksgiving celebration. Thankfully we were able to find a place to board our dogs or it would have been bananas in the Smith house. As you can see in the picture, frozen fruit salad made a guest appearance. That made my day. The meal came in a close second to the wii as the biggest source of fun/joy for the weekend. As I type this, Riley is saying everyone's name who is in the picture.

Granny Smith continued her mastery of making our girls cry. I forget what she did this time, but it worked. She either hit Sanna with something or took her rocks away. Boo, Grandma.

This is how Riley looked toward the end of her first Thanksgiving dinner (she couldnt eat at the real first one). It was a combination of mashed potatoes and cranberry sauce that did the work of hair product.

Before she messed up her hair/outfit, Riley made time to befriend Mimi. The two shared some great times over the weekend. They mostly discussed how annoying Cosmo is.


Kathy said...

What a great holiday for me the girls and my family alloweed me to forget who was missing. My Love to all of you. By the way no mention of who is the bowling king..Go Peter...


mariellen said...

It was a wonderful holiday. Family, food and Wii. Ryan even took losing Wii bowling to his cousin Peter very well. He's growing up before my very eyes.

Grammy SMith

Kathy said...

Because of all the food I now can not spell....


G.A.Sandy said...

HEY AND GOOD MONDAY! Thanks for sharing the wonderful pics....between the pics and a lovely web cam visit with the Michigan and Taunton clan we feel a real taste of almost being there. Tales of the girl's antics and their pics are delightful...they are growing like topsy!

Thanks and lots and lots of love;
G.A. Sandy and G.U. Norm

Nancy Hendrickson said...

Wow, awesome photography, Ryan! I loved the pictures of Sanna and "Malmo" and Riley and Mimi (action shot). We loved spending time with your family and dining on a superb Thanksgiving meal, thanks to the hard work of Mariellen and crew! Thanks for the memories.

Bri said...

The photo of Riley and her crazy food hair made me laugh out loud. Love it.