Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Random Pics from My Time as a Single Dad

Laurin thought it would be a good idea to fly to Milwaukee for a couple days, so I was left with our little darlings for 48 hours. It was pretty uneventful. We even made it to the park twice. The only trouble came when I tried to have a conference call at 5PM and our normal babysitter chose to leave us in my time of need. The backup sitter was not welcome according to Sanna. I had to go down to console her during my call. I accidentally took the phone off mute as I picked her up, treating my coworkers and potential customer to the screams of an unhappy toddler.

We even fit in a bath. Note to self, no baths immediately before dinner. Clean hair plus mac n cheese equals sitcky hair and a need for another bath.

Riley was watching the Real Housewives of Orange County. She's such a Vicki. She hates Gretchen.

During bath time, Sanna felt it was appropriate for her to smack her sister in the head a plastic bowl. Riley didnt agree, although she really didnt seem to mind as much as normal.

Our favorite activity during meals is looking for squirrels. They normally hang out on top of the fence behind the window where the girls eat. If only I had a zoom lens I wouldnt have had to crop this one to achieve the proper subject size.

This was actually from before Laurin left. It was pretty cute so I threw it in.


G.A.Sandy said...

Sounds like you are doing one heck of a great job Daddy---

G.A. Sandy

Patti said...

Thanks Ryan! Love the pics!

mariellen said...

What a great daddy you are. It takes quite a guy to handle two toddlers with so ease.

Grammy Smith

Kathy said...

Well Ryan a fine job indeed. Also the pictures are great. having worked at home I appreciate the issue about mute off and a customer. Nice Daddy
