Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Photo Crazy

In an effort to document the full beauty of our children I invested in a sweet prime lens for portrait/macro work. It is a 50mm f/1.4 lens for all you photogs out there. It allows me to get great detail on our divas while blurring out the background. Here are some shots I have taken in an attempt to figure out what the heck I am doing with a lens that doesnt zoom. You can focus much closer to the subject and take pictures in much lower light thanks to the huge aperture. Enjoy. I promise to get better fast. There are some low res pics in flickr too.

Sanna with her trademark red cheeks. Someday they will go away. We have been told they are a product of teething and drool.

Owen loves being photographed. If he wasnt so lazy he would have moved to get away from my annoyance.

Riley rarely lets go of her Pineault blankie. So, most photos will include it. The camera chose to focus on a part of the blanket I think which made am interesting effect. With the aperture wide open the depth of field/focus is only a couple inches. I have to get better at manually selecting the area of focus.

We both really like this one, but it is actually out of focus. It was one of the first pics taken. I think I may have been too close/not using the right ISO setting.

Owen is much better than Frankie at posing. He sits for a few seconds when you ask him.


Kathy said...

oh wow left me in the dust neohew. great beginnings ..of course the subject matter is superb.. Great Grammy would be proud.


G.A.Sandy said...

Now you really have the bug and have turned the corner away from all the lesser folk...
congratulations! We are enjoying the fruit of your talent but I know you are enjoying it even more!!


Great Aunt Sandy