Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, November 30, 2009

Other People's Babies

The Damrons finally came to their senses and returned to Indianapolis. Well, for 36 hours anyway. They even brought their babblin baby, Mara. She talks even more than Sanna did back in the early days. As you can see from the picture, we dont need showers to look our best. Laurin and I just slap on our matching sweatpants and embrace the day.

Here you can see Justin doing his best creepy Captain Morgan impression. Since Ryan had lost his wedding ring he saw the opportunity to swoop in and acquire another wife/baby. Well done, sir.

Clearly Im my mother's son, inheriting her amazing ability to make other people's babies cry at a moments notice.

Erin used her linebacker-like strength to commandeer Mara's bib. It made its way to her mouth shortly after this pic was taken. Luckily there were parents around or it would have been like a scene from Jaws.

And the winner of the funny baby face contest is.......Erin by an ear!


Kathy said...

Nice job of sharing more babies with us. what were the girls doing?


Ryan said...

they were sleeping, thankfully.

Ryan Iannucci said...

Nice work on the pics and the comments.