Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, November 1, 2009


Halloween was minimally eventful. We went out for about 30 min to hit the neighbors we normally talk to. The girls were given quarters by the homeless guy who hangs out at the end of the street. Apparently Laurin brought Sanna's home. I left mine in the grass for the guy to find later. I thought it would make his day.

Riley mostly enjoyed holding the candy. She didnt get the concept of gathering many pieces over time and putting them in your basket. She thought any candy she let go of would be gone forever. This resulted in bloddy knuckles as she fell twice and wouldnt let go of the candy to brace herself.

Double-fisting as always....

Sanna was a much better trick-or-treater. She would take one piece at a time and place it in the basket. She also went fall-free all night.

Erin joined us in her pumpkin outfit. Ryan was dressed as chemical engineer helping his daughter enjoy her first halloween. Pretty weak from the guy who lives for pumpkin beer and any kind of vampire movie.

Riley working on her stanky leg. Its almost ready for video.

Sanna started to get up, ruining this photo op. So close.


Patti said...

What did they think about EATING candy????

Kathy said...

What fun..I like the stairgate. Do you guys have window guards too?
Who is hoarding the candy?
No sugar rush? Of course if you and Laurin ate all the candy then we need a video of the two of you on a sugar high...Can you do the move?


Big Ryan said...

I can do the move. Laurin isnt that coordinated. The girls brielfy got to hold/lick the tootsie pops, but that was it. We gave most of it away since we got back early. No sugar high that I could tell.

G.A.Sandy said...

Looks like a happy Halloween from what I can tell.
Girls costumes are adorable. What did you guys wear?


Looking forward to the dance video Riley and Sanna.....

irisheyes said...

Halloween was fun for those of us who got to observe all of the "hood girls" trick or treating together. Thanks Laurin and Ryan for hosting.

Unknown said...

hahaha Laurin--I'VE JOINED! and i love your babies. I expect Riley to know Auntie Jilli's name when I see her next!