Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day 2

I have learned that being stuck on our third floor for most of the day does not lend itself to superb photography. Going to the park, on the other hand, is a virtual cornucopia of sweet photo opps. The neighborhood just south of us has a toddler park where we can basically let them free (unless they want to be on the swings the whole time like Sanna). Enjoy. Riley thought that going down the slides backwards on her stomach was the best until Sanna showed her the right way. Riley also learned that trying to walk down a slide leads to uncontrollable acceleration and almost cracking your head open if it wasnt for a quick-handed mother. The rest of the fun is in flickr.


Patti said...

Wow! Great job Ryan!

Nancy Hendrickson said...

These pictures are phototastic! It almost feels like we were there. Like Riley says "good job"!

G.A.Sandy said...

what a feast for the eyes!! And the heart!! Lovely, wonderful, terrific!!!

Thanks, thanks, thanks, thanks....

Any day now you will be published!!!

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

It is in the genes for sure..Great snapshots of the girls and I like the plant. Have you got a bird blind...


Big Ryan said...

No bird blind yet. My next investment will be a telephoto lens.

Bri said...

They look a lot alike with their hats on. The same smile. Are they twins or something?