Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, November 7, 2009

Another Trip to the Park

We decided that we had enough of whining babies who knock over gates and run into corners of walls, so we headed to the park again in search of photo gold. Riley sits still far more than Sanna, so, like Owen, she appears in more photographs. The rest of the winners are in Flickr.


Patti said...

CUTE Outfits! I can't believe how long their hair is getting! Thanks for the new pics!

Kathy said...

The pictures are really terrific . The girls are really getting their own personalities. Patti is right the outfits are cute. See you soon.


G.A.Sandy said...

Good Sunday and what a cornucopia of photos for our morning delight! A dazzling array of tantalizing scenes, so many of which should be published!!!
You are really capturing the girl's expressions perfectly......
Love all the flickr ones as well...nature scenes great.

G.A. Sandy