Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Watch for us on 'Toddlers and Tiaras'

We had multiple dance parties today to celebrate how friggin hot it was on the third floor. We are in that stage where it is too cold for the AC to kick on but all the heat rises and gets trapped up in the play room. The result was a sweaty father and some good video. I also learned that Laurin has a future as a stage mother. She was getting those girls movin and shakin to the music. Also included here are some good pics from our brief stop at baby Sam's baptism. The girls found the freedom of the empty church all too tempting for their little legs and big vocal chords.


Patti said...

Dancing Queens!!!!! Too cute! THANK YOU!

Nancy Hendrickson said...

Clearly the girls have a similar dance style to Mom and Dad! I think I saw those moves before:)

Kathy said...

Shake it girls. Great video. It brought a very wanted smile to my face this morning. Sorry I missed the web cam yesterday Ryan.


G.A.Sandy said...

Hi sweeties....just Aunt Kathy said- a wanted smile for all of us, we are here with Aunt Kathy and Uncle Leo,,
Much love and we will catch up one of these days on web cam,

Aunt Sandy