Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Unthinkable Happened

It may have been due to my rampant multitasking, but I finished last ina game of scrabble yesterday. I was participating in a fantasy football draft at the time, but that is no excuse. I wil try to organize a rematch at some point. I also had a disappointing performance in the draft. Moral of the story is I am not a 6 out of 10 at multitasking, so reduce the number of simultaneous activities if I care to do well at them.

We also went to Wickford, RI briefly. We saw lots of sweet dogs, a dead bluejay, and kids playing with a rocket in the park. Our girls know no fear as they went right up to these kids and tried to make the rocket their own. Sanna then took off, walking about 100 yds away without even looking back. She is quite the explorer. I wonder when she would have stopped.

We are off to see Great Aunt Kathy, so this post is a short one. We also didnt take that many pics yesterday.

1 comment:

G.A.Sandy said...

Ah, I wondered if you would go to my favorite: the village of Wickford..terrific. You are really seeing lil' ol' Rhody in style!!

G.A. Sandy