Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, September 6, 2009

Second Verse, Same as the First

Day two of our Rhode Island adventure was somewhat less stressful, but way more eventful. Some of the most ridiculous events transpired. As a fun little game, I will list some events and you can guess which one didnt happen. Dont read past the options as I will have to describe how each event came to be.

1. Ryan Iannucci hit another car on the mean streets of Providence
2. Riley soaked me with urine as we admired the majestic views of the cliffs of Narragansett
3. Ryan Iannucci got pulled over by the Rhode Island state police after we left the bar.
4. We saw a river on fire
5. We all went running together and I wasnt the slowest of first to request we stop.
6. Laurin made us dinner and it didnt give any of us food poisoning.
7. I was unable to finish an order of chicken wings.

Items 1,3, and 4 all have to do with our trip to see the waterfire event in Providence. Apparently this happens every week. Either there are way more people in providence than I thought, or they all go to this thing every week. The streets were packed to see the river ablaze. It was quite the spectacle. I will post pictures tomorrow to not ruin the quiz. There were bands playing and lots of photo ops. Laurin does not believe in taking pictures of anything without specific sentimental value, so I was criticized for photographing the architecture of Providence at night. On our way to the event we wandered the streets looking for parking. At one point, we passed through the bar district near Brown University. There were tons of people and cars on narrow streets. Despite his extemely cautious nature, Ryan Iannucci failed to judge the massive width of our rental minivan and nearly broadsided a parked car. My strong asserstion that we were too close only resulted in him correcting enough to brush mirrors with the other vehicle. After we left the waterfire event we went to a bar on the way home that is famous for a wide selection of beer. I ordered wings as always and the ladies ordered spinach and artichoke dip to accompany our beers. The menu did not mention that the wings were breaded and only came with extremely chunky blue cheese dressing. For the first time in my life I left wings uneaten. On the way home from the bar, Ryan failed to turn on his lights and a state trooper pulled us over. We were very suprised as Ryan never breaks the speed limit. The guy ran his license and realized he has never even jaywalked and let us go on our way. This was depsite Ryan telling him we had just come from the bar. Ryan had only consumed one beer for all you worried about our safety.

Now, back to earlier in the day. Thanks to our girls napping for 90 minutes at a time and Ryan's parents watching Erin, we all went for a nice run. I am not normally a fan of fitness that isnt a competition, but I went for it. My recent rugby training must have left me in better shape as I did not complain or ask to stop at any point. We will be trying again today. I also have a mental issue where if I know how long we have left to run I get anxious and impatient, conjuring up reasons to stop. Wandering the unknown streets of Narragansett in a loop was good for me.

Towards the end of the day, Ryan Iannucci led us on a long walk with the kids that tok us to an amazing spot in the neighborhood overlooking Narragansett bay. There were huge rocks you could walk out on and the waves gently brokes into this little area. I walked out there with Riley in my arms to enjoy the view. I felt a sprinkle on my foot and assumed it was the water from the bay. I soon realized that wasnt the case and saw my shorts and leg being soaked by my daughter's overactive bladder. I guess we hadnt changed her recently enough and there was more that her Pampers could handle. That was a first for me. I had to walk 20 minutes home with her make on me.

Number 6 is clearly the fals item as everyone knows Laurin doesnt cook. If she did, I would most certainly not be well enough to be writing this post now.

Anyway, we will see how day 3 goes. So far, so good.


G.A.Sandy said...

Loving the narrative and pics...and glad you got to see the Providence Water Fires...a favorite of Uncle Norm and I, we saw one of the first ones and it was total magic. Sounds like a good time all is all,. Glad the babes are napping long to let you all get into a baby-free zone for a bit here and there.

Love ya and may the sun keep shining there;
G.A. Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

Oops on my typing and no, I am not tippling....

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

sounds like the ideal vacation so far. The NE is a lovely place to be in September with the indian summers. Less traffic and my gosh a fair trooper. Imagine. I wish the one I ran into recently had been good to me and my record was 51 years no tickets so see..never know.Sanna should have been driving I guess.
G.A Kathy