Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, September 7, 2009

Im a Beaten Man

Day three was by far the best so far as far as our kids are concerned. We went to mass without them, which was a much better way to attend mass. I was able to see things from the other side of life as we sat directly behind the craziest bunch of crazies ever. A woman dressed like she was shooting an episode of the real housewives of New Jersey after mass showed up with 4 kids all under 10. They were bouncing all over the place and making all kids of noise. For some reason, she thought it was a good idea to give one of the youngest a half-melted twix to rub in her hair/clothes. The oldest child was trying to manage the others, but she was just as crazy. One of the boys had a piece of gum he kept rolling into a ball, dropping, picking up, and putting back in his mouth. He also had twix in his hair. They ended up going to the back of the church during the homily. They were just as loud back there, but not as annoying to us. I think we are a little more self-aware and logical about how we entertain our kids during mass.

After mass, we went on a walk and ended up at a neighborhood park. It was wicked sweet. They had swings that I decided to use to test my cameras burst mode. The moms enjoyed playing on this new-style seesaw. Ryan I enjoyed the little spring-loaded dolphin. While we were there, we were approached by an oddly-dressed boy named Bryce who was certain he was awesome at everything. He had seen me trying to jump off the swing and assured me he could do better. I took his picture while he was jumping to help people understand his outfit so I didnt see where he landed. He assured me he had won. As you can see in the picture, he is wearing some kind of women's moccasins with fur tops. I asked him if he was warm in those to which he replied 'no', and that he had been wearing them all day. He completed the outfit with board shorts that came to the top of the boots and a polo shirt. He was also sweet at riding his BMX bike. I took a turn and showed off my tricks, jumping like an X Games champion off a slight incline from the grass into the parking lot. He then took his bike back and showed me he could do better, which he did. I packed up my daughters and walked home defeated.

Later that night we got a visit from Andy Kenealy, who enjoyed all of our wild vacation stories. We are clearly operating an a level few can keep up with.

See the pics above of waterfire and yesterday's fun


G.A.Sandy said...

and so we continue to watch the series: Ryan and Laurin Take the Twins on Vacation...and loving it!
Congrats again on the pics, the bursts and the great Providence Waterfire and skyline.... Glad you got to Andy K. nice little reunion. Keep on enjoyin'

Love to all:
G.A. Sandy

mariellen said...

So great that you got to see Andy. Sounds like every momemt is jammed packed with adventure.

Grammy Smith

G.A.Sandy said...

Just a note to say that I looked at all the pics on flickr and they are just wonderful!!

G.A> Sandy

Nancy Hendrickson said...

Looks like great fun! You tried to trick us yesterday by putting Sanna in green and Riley in pink, but I caught you! Enjoy your vacation and keep taking pictures!
P.S. Does Riley have new kung fu moves???????

Kathy said...

Looks like the adults are having as much fun as the kids..That's nice. Once I was in church where this little kid kept twisting her rosaries and twirling them too. Them all of a sudden she let them go like a shot across the pew saying there goes jesus..Funny kid.
See you tomorrow. Oh then there is Ruby Rugg and the monkey in church..another story to share.