Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cliff Diving

We took the girls to the park and the cliffs yesterday. Suprisingly, I think they enjoyed the latter more. There is a sweet video of the two of them passing rocks to each other to be stacked in a pile, but it is 158MB (1 minute long). So, I will have to wait until I get home to compress it for blogger, which limits videos to 100MB.

It was an action-packed day as we ventured to a new park with all kinds of crazy slides. We also went for a long run (5 miles) into Narragansett. Finally, our walk to the cliffs was quite an adventure. The tide was low so we were able to walk out pretty far into the water for pictures. I feel like I need to put up another poll asking if anyone disapproves of this adventure. We only risked death once in an attempt to get a shot of the girls peeking over this large rock. I was supporting Riley and holding her shirt when the rock I was standing on either moved of split in half. I guess I need to keep up the running. Either way there were plenty of other surfaces to support us and noone was harmed.

We are off to Newport today to hopefully pick up some Rhode Island gear for the girls to show off to their Midwest friends when they get home.
I will find some way to make the whole Rhode Island collection (over 700 pictures so far) available for viewing. I may have to pay flickr for one month to hold all my pics. They only allow a certain amount of uploads/month and with this new camera that means only 20 pics. I am not sure if everyone is aware of this, but you can click the pictures within the posts to make them full size.
Check out the new poll.....


Kathy said...

when your Aunt's and uncle were little we went to Dennis beach all the time and walked out very far as tidal waters were low , so with the parents there you were fine. We just worry because we love you all so. What wonderful pictures with the Iannucci's too. So fun! We feel like we are there Smith's enjoying it with all of you. I like the one as well in the slide with both being adventurous indeed.

G.A.Kathy and Leo

G.A.Sandy said...

WoW!! These pics are just wonderful. Funny, I just figured out this morning I could click on the pics to enlarge them. What a great souvenir of your vacation.You surely tasted the flavor of RI and that beautiful coast.

Am greedy...looking forward to more. Safe trip home- and a quiet one!!

Much love;
G.A. Sandy