Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A 1st Birthday Picture is Worth 1,000 Words

More pictures to come after their official 1st birthday party on Sunday. Stay tuned........
Monday, July 27, 2009

Quiz Results

The winner of the first birthday quiz is Mrs. Patti Williams! She only missed one question. Please congratulate her on her efforts. The answers to the quiz are below.

1. Who was born first? Sanna
2. Who weighed more at birth? Riley
3. Who had reflux issues? Riley
4. Who did we take to the emergency care center for a possible ear infection? Sanna
5. Who rolled over first? Riley
6. Who sat up first? Riley
7. Who crawled first? Sanna
8. Who has the nickname 'bear'? Riley
9. Who started the yunting craze? Riley
10. Who are the girls' Godparents? Ryan and Melissa Iannucci
11. Who is the cutest? Any answer accepted
12. Who is known for her ability to mimic words and make 'conversation'? Riley
13. Who is fearless? Sanna
14. Who smeared poop all over the couch? Sanna
15. Who was I (Ryan) not speaking of/to at some point? Sanna
16. Who got in trouble for high-pitched squealing in South Haven? Sanna
17. Who wore a sweater vest with nothing underneath on the blog (not one of the girls)? Bermes
18. What magazine were the girls 'reading' in the funny picture of them on the bed sitting next to eachother? Twins Guide
19. What did the homeless lady put in Riley's mouth on the street? Pacifier
20. Who was a St. Bernard for Halloween? Riley
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Birthday Quiz

Bring your A game:


1. Who was born first?
2. Who weighed more at birth?
3. Who had reflux issues?
4. Who did we take to the emergency care center for a possible ear infection?
5. Who rolled over first?
6. Who sat up first?
7. Who crawled first?
8. Who has the nickname 'bear'?
9. Who started the yunting craze?
10. Who are the girls' Godparents?
11. Who is the cutest?
12. Who is known for her ability to mimic words and make 'conversation'?
13. Who is fearless?
14. Who smeared poop all over the couch?
15. Who was I (Ryan) not speaking of/to at some point?
16. Who got in trouble for high-pitched squealing in South Haven?
17. Who wore a sweater vest with nothing underneath on the blog (not one of the girls)?
18. What magazine were the girls 'reading' in the funny picture of them on the bed sitting next to eachother?
19. What did the homeless lady put in Riley's mouth on the street?
20. Who was a St. Bernard for Halloween?

Walking Nanna

Laurin has finally declared Sanna to be walking. It is now her primary mode of transportation. Enjoy the video. I want to let everyone know that there will be a birthday surprise tomorrow. I will put up a quiz to see who knows the most about our girls. Winner will get an autographed picture, so study hard tonight. All the answers were on the blog at some point, but I would like to see who can do the best without cheating. You can email your answers to me at and I will announce the results.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Book Worms

Today Melissa and I ventured to the downtown library with all of the little ones. I figured that Riley would be in heaven with a whole section of baby books, but she barely even looked at all of the books due to all of the other exciting things.

Erin was super jazzed to read all of the colorful books. She is so advanced.

Sanna and Riley loved trying to eat all of the giant puzzle pieces. Not so advanced:)

Their favorite thing was the giant magnet board with all sorts of animals, letters, shapes, etc. Again, Sanna enjoyed sharing her saliva with all of the magnets.

Baby Erin gave the trip an A+ and wouldn't stop smiling on our way home. What a cutie! The girls tried to show her how you drive a mother mad by furiously crawling in opposite directions while at the library. So, the twinkle of deviousness in Erin's eyes can definitely be attributed to Sanna and Riley:) The good times are just beginning for us all:)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Soccer Saturday

Laurin had 7 soccer games on Saturday, so I had plenty of time to try out my camera. I took the girls to a couple of the games. They enjoyed trying to drink from every bottle except theirs. Sanna like climbing on top of chairs and coolers. She assumed the position below at least 5 times. Her fearlessness is sure to catch up with her at some point.

The girls love their teddy bears. They sleep with them at night now that we are allowed to put things in their cribs.

Both girls are now strong enough to push the other in the barney mobile. It looks like quite a workout.

Is it me, or does Sanna look wicked old in this picutre. 11 months going on 5 years.

Riley is looking pretty old herself.

Sanna doing what she loves.
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Struttin Our Stuff

Sanna likes to climb anything. About 10 seconds after this picture was taken she tumbled backwards down the hill (momma was there to catch her).

I had to take this picture in stealth mode as the driver/passenger were questionable characters. If you cant tell, they are rolling down the street with one tire completely blown out. Just rollin on the rim to somewhere.

Sanna thought that the best place to rest was the middle of the street. You might ask yourself 'why is he taking a picture as his daughter lay helpless in the middle of the road?' You would be justified, but there werent any cars in sight.

We encountered our neighbors and their attack dachsund. Just checking in with our dog lovers out there, is this one ok? She is 11.

Riley took her hand off the clutch without realizing how fast the barney mobile can go.
Friday, July 17, 2009

Picky Picky

I dont know about you, but tuna and peas sounds like a great dinner to me. Riley and Sanna did not agree. All they want to eat is fruit, bagel, cheese bread, and goldfish. They will still eat the Gerber pureed vegetables. When you put anything they dont like on their plate, it normally ends up on the floor. That is their first line of objection. Yesterday it went a little further, with both girls crying because our dinner offering was so horrible. This annoyed us. So, we took a bunch of blueberries and smashed them into their tuna, forcing them to pick them out and eat at least a little tuna/peas. Sanna was the funniest. Whenever she would get a big chunk of tuna in her mouth, she would stick out her tongue and grab it with her hand. Riley just yelled and threw it around. I dont know what we will do with these divas. Also, Riley has a new nickname that I am not allowed to mention on the blog. You guys can guess, or make suggestions to replace the one Laurin doesnt like.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Riley is Funny

Riley has gotten very good at standing up with no help. The funny thing is that she does it with a very wide stance and always makes a surprised face when she pulls it off. Her are some pictures in various stages of success.
I am all that is baby

I am a ninja

bob and weave

Three-point stance beyotch! What!?!

Park Photo Explosion

As you might expect, there have been a lot of photos lately. I havent been uploading all of them to flickr because I dont want to crash their site (and I can only upload ~100/month). Laurin has become slightly less annoyed, and has even snapped a few herself. We went to the park on Monday to get out of the house, and lots of fun ensued. Sanna crawled around while Riley just sat in place and pulled up on the bench. Swinging was fun as usual. I even took my first B&W video. After not wanting to stand up on the grass, Sanna suddenly popped up and took what might have been a record number of steps. I think this may be the week she becomes a full-time walker. Riley still fears stepping, despite being able to stand up with no assistance from people or objects. Sanna's walking hasnt gotten her anything that Riley is jealous of, so I expect it will be a while before her frustration overcomes her fear of change. I assume all of our relatives will approve of the last picture because the dog is small and cute.
Sunday, July 12, 2009


A Long Saturday

Laurin has planned us a jam-packed summer, and Saturday was the first of ~8 weekends where we have major events or travel plans. Laurin helped organize a reunion of her club soccer team (1980 Michigan Hawks) in the Detroit area. Seeing as how I love to drive and we hate to sleep anywhere but our house, we made the 9 hour round trip in one day. I drove the entire way and Laurin slept most of the way. Thankfully, the drive home started at ~830 after a fun-filled afternoon for the girls. They slept almost the entire way home. The girls had fun with the other babies (including another girl named Riley who also yunts interestingly enough). They rode the swings, played with Dawson, ate food, and acted cute for all the other partygoers. I acted as grillmaster and photographer.
Friday, July 10, 2009

Daddy Got a New Toy

I decided to invest in the photographic future of our family this week. Say that ten times fast. I bought a new DSLR camera, and it is fantastic. It is not amusing to Big Momma, who insists there is never a reason to take 300 pics in one day. The pic on the top of the blog is one example, as are these other pic. I can also shoot HD video now, so watch out.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

C'mon Ride That Train

Which is Cuter? Sanna honking the horn or Riley making care noises? Poll to the right...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

South Haven Shananigans

The girls had a wild and crazy week in good ol' South Haven. They created mustaches and goatees out of ice cream..............

They went for their first boat ride in the little inflatable. They grew a little agitated by the lifejackets that kept creeping into their mouths. For them, putting on a lifejacket must have been comparable to an adult slipping on one of those gigantic sumo suits.

They had an early first birthday party where Great Aunt Patti and Great Uncle Gary hooked them up with some sweet clothes and a crazy ball popper. I have a feeling that it soon will become an extension of one of the girl's arms after they get stuck going down the tube after the balls:) The fuzzy Elmo birthday card was a big hit too. GAP and GUG really nailed it this time:)

They tried to get their party on, but I had to remind them that they are still underage........

Hung with the relatives.........

Played with the other twins that live in Grandma and Grandpa Smith's closet.............

And, of course, ate sand at the beach:)

New Riley Face

possibly our cutest video ever....prepare yourself.