Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pic of the Day

Taking after her daddy already.....
Monday, June 29, 2009

Beach Babies

Babypalooza 2 was much more exciting due to the nice weather and mobile babies. There were minimal amounts of fighting/crying which was suprising since Finnegan is such a whiny sissy. We actually made it to the beach armed with lots of sunscreen, goldfish crackers, and pale bodies. Sanna took to the water much more than Riley. Finnegan was the true champion, crawling right into the water despite his inability to swim or stand. The big surprise of the day was the discovery that sand is tasty. I still debate this fact, but Sanna and Riley assured me it was the case. Our fun can be seen in flickr. There were no magic crystals this time around. Our ladies diaper rash was the only bad part of the weekend. While it is getting better it still has a way to go before we can let them roam in their diapers and have cry-free diaper changes. Hopefully we will see more updates from Laurin, who has the ladies for the week as I work and travel to Chicago.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Nanner is Walking ........... Kinda

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Random Assortment of Pics for Your Viewing Pleasure

Sanna and Mama.

Daddy's attempt at the cheese face (he LOVES this picture of himself).

Sanna couldn't resist another cheese face, despite our attempt to capture a "normal" picture.

Those crazy kids:)

Riley hoarding toys from the other kids at the Children's Museum.

Sanna playing nice............for the moment.

The girls "picking" and "planting" flowers.

Fearless Sanna throwing herself all over the padded maze, while conservative Riley refuses to move.

Who knew that Riley could spell.  She even capitalized her name.  She may be the smartest child that I have ever encountered (I am not biased or anything:).

Sanna is brilliant too.

Hydrating before our swim in the 90 degree heat.  Too bad the refrigerator broke, so we never made it outside.  Sanna just enjoyed showing off her svelt new body:)

Riley prior to the swim that never was:(  She didn't realize that her daddy is, in the words of Ryan Iannucci, "all that is man".  This meant that he would spend the next few hours defrosting the freezer and installing a new fan motor in the refrigerator instead of lounging by the pool.  

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Pool Party

The ladies went to see Wicked today, so we were left to entertain our children all afternoon. My dream of having my own pool finally came to life in the form of a $15 blow-up special. CHO Ryan would not put Erin in the pool, so it was a 2.5 person pool party. Riley only wanted to put her hands/face in from the outside of the pool. Note to self, they make swim diapers for a reason. If you thought Sanna was tough to pick up with a fresh diaper, try snatching her up with an extra 10 lbs of water in her booty. The rest of the day included the other children taking turns 'gently' touching baby Erin, 'sharing' toys, and watching soccer. Like any good day, we drank beer and told manly stories. There are more good pool pics to come on roll two. I have yet to finish it.

For all you eagerly awaiting info on the cutest baby contest, voting doesnt start until July 6th, and goes until the 31st. I am trying to see if I can change the pics I chose. I think we can do better. Our voting can only get us to the final 100. The rest is up to the judges as far as I can tell.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Its a collage explosion today. We had a bit of a photo explosion today during dinner. If you go into flickr, you can see our flat attack squirrel. It was eye-to-eye with a neighborhood cat on our fence. I have never seen a squirrel in a position like that. Today's meals were full of typical fun: Sanna choking because she never stops shoveling food in her mouth the chew, Riley spazzing out whenever the food runs out, Riley throwing as much food as she eats, and a surprise in Riley's final diaper. I guess the last one wasnt typical. There were unchewed grapes in Riley's diaper. I guess she only has two teeth, but the grapes were cut in half or thirds, meaning they werent that small. This has never happened before depsite eating grapes many times. I am thinking she tricked us and just shoved them in her diaper when we werent looking. Grandma Smith is here to visit, so Im sure we will have all kinds of fun to report. She watched the ladies while Laurin and I mulched the front and side yards today. We ordered 8 yards and it isnt going to be enough. We need to re-landscape or something to reduce the amount of space needing mulch. We bought the dyed mulch, which resulted in Laurin and I being as dirty as ever. Anyway, we will be entering the ladies in a cutest baby contest for fun. It appears that it is national, but getting to the top 100 is solely based on how many people you get to vote for you. If you get the most votes with high scores (the photos are viewable by anyone I think) you move on. I have no hope of either girl winning, I just want to see how devoted our readership is. This will be the one time I promote forwarding emails to everyone you know. Since I am calling it first, I dont want any of our readers with babies to get the same idea. I need everyone to unite behind our girls. I couldnt enter them together, so they each will need to be voted for. I think I am going to change the pictures I submitted, so feel free to give me suggestions or send me photos I may not have. Lets get it on.
Monday, June 15, 2009

Dance Dance Revolution

Our girls have mad rhythm

Eatin and Playin

This week the girls made a lot of progress in eating and playing. Their interaction with eachother has increased a lot. They go to the same area of their room to get and play with toys. They smile at eachother. Its much more fun than having to be their constant source of entertainment. Maybe they will make progress in their twin language. On the eating front, they are trying all kinds of new things. It is really scary to watch Sanna eat as she make a fake coughing/choking noise a lot. It might actually be a real choking noise as she isnt as good at chewing as Riley and has what we call a 'food graveyard' that builds up in her mouth throughout the meal. About 15 minutes after her last bite of food yesterday she still had half a soybean and some chicken in her mouth. Vegetables gave them trouble too. They cried through most of their carrots and broccoli. Fruits seem to be popular, especially bananas. Riley is starting to get more picky, shying away from her strawberries and blueberries. We will see how it goes, but they are down to two bottles and three solid meals a day. We had just bought a ton of formula before this transition to fewer bottles, so we may be looking to offload some soon.
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Peek a Boo

Sanna and Riley can fit in the diaper box. This = cute

Laurin cannot fit in the box, despite her strongest assertions. This = weird

Riley can play a sweet game of peek-a-boo. This = cute
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Ode to the Cheese Face

Against my best judgement, I am posting pictures of Sanna that Laurin thinks are hilarious.  I think these arent Sanna's cutest moments, but it represents her personality.  Whenever you say 'CHEESE' she makes this face.  I think the current state of her teeth make it all the better
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

U.P. Fun

Monday, June 8, 2009

Babies Still Gone

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Gone Babies Gone

Laurin has taken my babies. I dont know when she is coming back. She is off to the great white north to explore the wonders of Escanaba. She called me today to inform me that they were having homemade macaroni and cheese, taking the girls swimming, and leaving for the UP in the morning. She is clearly trying to crush my soul. I have been begging to go to the UP for years. I almost had to move there to make my first trip. I dont think I will ever get to go hunt reindeer and make my own beef jerky. It is a magical place I am sure. Laurin promises to send lots of pictures. I dont have much faith in her, but luckily Grandma Nance is trigger happy. I got 28 pictures from their first 6 hours in South Haven. Sadly we have overloaded flickr for the month, so I will either have to stop being cheap and pay for the to store all 10,000 of my pics or wait until next month rolls around to put up the swimming pics. I will add one as pic of the day for tomorrow since it arrived late in the day today.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fun with Food

We have been experimenting with all kinds of food lately. Berries, deli meats, grapes, bagels, pizza, you name it. These ladies will eat anything. I think if we kept putting it in front of them they would never stop eating. The annoying thing about feeding them normal food is that they now want to eat whatever we are eating, even if it isnt time for them to eat. We got these sweet high chairs that strap to normal chairs. They are the perfect height for the ladies to shovel food into their mouths. Riley eats about twice as fast as Sanna. We think she will catch back up to her chubby sister soon.
On an unrelated note, I want to share our latest experience in the cry room at mass. I am going to liken it to 11v11 womens soccer for all you friends of Laurin. We keep going thinking it will be fine and it turns out terrible. I couldnt tell you what happened at mass because I was busy monitoring out wandering divas. It is an interesting dynamic watching all the children and parents interact. There are anything from newborns to ~7 year olds in there. There was one crazy mom of an 8 week old wandering around. She must have changed that kids diaper three times during mass. She also kept telling the kids not to fart because it smelled bad. She would wrap one arm around its back and carry it around. The strangest moment was when it made the slightest peep and she covered its mouth and told it to shhhhh. She covered its mouth a little too long for her to be sane. The rest of the parents were nice and well behaved. The funniest part is watching the kids attempt to steal toys from each other and the parents trying to stop them, pretending to be good parents of good children. I like to let them go at it. survival of the fittest. Anyway, we will try to attend mass without the cry room this week. It may go horribly wrong since Sanna and Riley like to make competing grunts at varying volumes when it is quiet.