Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, May 4, 2009

Slim Does the Happy Dance

We went to the doctor today. Riley is now our slender child, weighing in at 21lb 10oz. She is only in the 90th percentile in weight. She is also 1.5" taller if you believe the nurse's measuring system (laying them on the table and drawing a line at the top of their head, then tickling her leg until it extends fully and drawing another line. then she measures between the two). Sanna is now 22lb 8oz with a bigger dome. Both are healthy apparently. Sanna is in the 95th percentile for weight. We got the "they definitely arent failure to thrives" joke again. Also, the nurse thought we had a boy and a girl, and horribly mispronouced Sanna's name. We have been there like ten times. Anyway, here is a funny video of Riley that Laurin took.


G.A.Sandy said...

Talk about joie d'vivre!
Too cute...the Happy Dance
That silly nurse, who could ever forget Sanna and Riley and their names.
Sounds like by all indicators and stats all is well..

Love ya'
G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

No need for expensive toys just need a hoodie..Happy Cinco de Mayo to all.. Love the videos . Oh those crazy legs..

G.Aunt Kathy

Jill said...

Well, the girls are thriving and growing at a wonderful pace!