Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Video and Pic Fun

We put this apparatus next to the couch to stop Sanna from getting behind the couch. I guess it worked. She stopped after she got inside it.

Typical Riley

Riley having fun in the rocking horse made for Laurin by Great Grandpa Laurn.

Sanna living on the edge.


Patti said...

Beware... I remember Laurin grabbing that horse from the front and he knocked her in the head with his snoot. I think we even have a picture of the bruise in the middle of her head! :)

Kathy said...

Sanna has never ending energy. She will need a trampoline soon. I love the Horse Laurin so nice to pass it to your girls. Things must be busy for you two every day.

G.A.Kathy and Leo

Mim says hi to Frank and Owen She cornered a woodchuck yesterday and caught a chipmunk as well. A hunter of the highest form.

G.A.Sandy said...

Hey- like Jenna's voice-over on the Sanna on the edge video..

G.A. Sandy

Big Ryan said...

I think that is laurin's sister katie, not jenna.