Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, May 17, 2009


This is probably the best 'sharing'/playing video yet. It is a week old or so. Sorry for the lack of posts. I have chosen to spend my time touring the Midwest instead of handling my blogging duties. Also, we have been preparing all week for our big photo shoot tomorrow. I think this will be our first step towards modeling/pageants. Also this week was Aunt Katies graduation from Purdue. The girls came with us to the after party and were well behaved amidst the many people. Riley is much more mobile, but still not technically crawling. She chooses not to more than not being able to. She is actually close to standing on her own. Sanna is a big pain in the butt. She crawls everywhere and gets into everything. She is trying her best to kill herself by tipping over end tables, computers, and baby chairs on top of herself. I dont think any amount of babyproofing could protect this child from herself. She is already trying to climb the wood stairs. If anybody knows the best place to get baby helmets and padded walls, let me know. Also, she has this sweet new trick that makes diapering her near impossible. She waits until you put the new diaper underneath her and starts thrusting her hips in the air. She repeats and laughs until you are forced to place the diaper perfectly underneath her and press down on her stomach to hold her in place. fun times. Anyway, look for us on toddlers and tiaras next season. Its gonna be fierce.


Kathy said...

Great antics from the girls. They will be wrestling next. I love the videos becasue it is like I am there with them.


G.A.Sandy said...

What a Monday pick-me-up for us!!! It is a rainy day here and i get on VB and this gets me smiling and laughing and ready for the day!!!

Love and big thank you!

G.A. Sandy (and G.A. Norm over my shoulder)

Jill said...

The girls have great biceps!