Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, May 18, 2009

Photo Shoot

Well, we had our photo shoot today.  The woman was very nice.  She left us with a couple of sample pics.  I couldnt believe it, but she took all of her pictures with a camera phone.  It is amazing how far technology has come.  Riley was born to be photographed.  She sat nicely in all of the poses and smiled most of the time.  Sanna roamed and flopped all over the place.  I think we got two shots of her and about 200 of Riley.  Even Frankie was a better subject.  We hope to get the results of the shoot later this week.  There will be an online gallery to see the pics.


Kathy said...

Can't wait to see the pics. Imagine what great grandma Angie would say about using a camera phone..things have changed. I bet the ladies were the cutest babies she has seen all year.

Big Ryan said...

Grandma Angie's camera is having issues. They shutter was bent and when I had it fixed it became working very sporadically, which is problematic. It is tough to take what you think is going to be a great roll and you get two decent pictures and a bunch of blanks. I am working with the guy who fixed it to see what can be done. I was just kidding about the camera phone. I took those while she snapped away on a very expensive looking Canon digital SLR with multiple lenses.

G.A.Sandy said...

Ah, had me wondering there for a minute!
Today's pics are just great. I am still clicking on the last video every time I get a chance.

Looking forward to results of the big shoot.

Hope that you can rehab Grandmother Angi's camera, it will be a challenge, that is for sure.

Love ya;
G.A. Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

whose dog is Riley with??


Big Ryan said...

That is one of the Damron girls. I think it is Grace. They welcomed their first child yesterday. Her name is TBD. They are taking suggestions.