Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Perfect Storm of Poop

This story is extremely graphic, so the faint of heart should turn away now.  The following events are completely true.   Over the past couple weeks Sanna has gotten quite mobile.  Her favorite thing now is to stand by herself or pull up on any reachable surface.  Also over the last couple weeks Sanna has gotten a bit of a rash just above her booty.  She scratches it now and again.  It is almost gone, but not quite all the way.  We have started eating real food recently, mostly fruit.  The result has been some less than solid poo.  That is the back story that will make the following events seem far more plausible.  Also, I should note that Laurin really likes Regis and Kelly.  So, this morning I was taking care of some things downstairs while Laurin watched the girls upstairs.  They had already eaten their solids and bottles for the morning which means the digestive system should be creating some fun soon.  When I walked back upstairs, the first thing I see is Sanna standing next to the couch with what looks like pudding smeared all over the couch, her face, and her back.  I quickly came to the sad realization that it was not in fact pudding, but poo.  She had created a very liquid blowout, which was made worse by her reaching her hands in her diaper to scratch her butt, putting them back on the couch to balancer herself and then in her mouth for good measure.  I let out a very manly scream/curse to alert Laurin, who was hypnotized by the geriatric charms of Regis Philbin.  All this had happened about 4 feet from her comfortably rested head on the couch.  So, Laurin grabbed Sanna and began to use wipes to remove the excrement from her hands, eyes, mouth, back, and ears most likely.  I ran downstairs and lugged the steam cleaner up three flights of stairs to get to work.  My steam cleaning skills being unmatched, there should be no sign there was ever such a debacle.   Pictures of this event would surely violate the terms of service on blogger, so I leave you with a pic of Sanna from today before the event.


G.A.Sandy said...

Looks like Sanna is getting into finger painting at an early age....!!

G.A. Sandy

Maria said...

one time cambel pulled some out of his diaper without us noticing, while we had visitors, and when we told them goodbye we found it...on the carpet, ourselves, and them. needless to say the goodbyes were quick and we were totally mortified.

Patti said...

We want pictures! :0 hahahahaha

Big Ryan said...

We didnt take any pics. When I first saw her I thought it was the best photo op ever, but I thought it would be better to get right to cleaning the poop off the couch and out of her mouth.

Kathy said...

Well now that that is out of the way every thing will be up hill.
