Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, May 10, 2009

Our 1st Mother's Day

For our girl's first Mother's Day we decided to go big or go home.  We attempted what most would consider a daring feat: fingerpainting with 9 month olds.  Being the good planner I am, I acquired some sweet finger paints and paper from the store early in the week.  The big problem was how to pull this off since Laurin never leaves the house without the babies.  Thanks to Bermes finally graduating med school, the perfect window was presented to us.  I tried to start this project as a one-man job, but I quickly learned that it would be impossible to keep paint off of the floor (I was on the third floor with the girls on a big blanket to cover the carpet), keep their hands out of their mouths, and keep the painting going without Sanna crawling away to decorate the tv.  So, I called in Melissa and Ryan, who finally did something to earn their Godparent status.  It was Melissa's idea to move them to the high chairs.  She is a genious.  Ryan got bored part of the way through the process and watched soccer.

As you can see, Sanna is super excited to show her love for her mom through art.  She cried when we made her hand prints and seemed minimally interested in her craft.

You can see the blue left over on Riley's hands after her initial hand prints.  Despite the paint packaging proclaiming its 'washability', it was no easy feat to get this crap off.  It took baby wipes, hot water, soap, and a towel.

Riley was much more into the process.  She started crinkling her paper, so we had to control her excitement.  As you will see from the final results she is destined to follow in her Great Aunts footsteps.
Once again, Sanna enjoying life and happy to be doing all she can to show how much she loves her momma.  You can see the end results below.  Riley's is the one with blue hands.


Patti said...

Wow! They turned out great! I see art careers in their future! Cudos to Daddy!

Kathy said...

What a lovely gift for Laurin's first. Chocolate pudding works well to Ryan and it is edible. You will cherish these days for all times. Hope you are backing up this blog.

Happy Mother's Day

G.A.Sandy said...

Congratulations on a feat well accomplished!! Results looks grand indeed!!! And I am delighted that Riley may be following in her Great Aunt's footsteps...(or is it handsteps..)

A beautiful keepsake gift for their Mommy with their Daddy's and godparent's help.


Bri said...

Happy Mother's Day Laurin!! You are so lucky to have such talented girls and a very sweet husband :)