Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Oh Crap Again

She reached this position with no assistance.    She has repeated the act about 2o time since.  Riley tried once and fell over.  She needs to figure out crawling first.  We need to get on the babyproofing.


G.A.Sandy said...

The sweet smile of victory!! Congrats, Sanna, you are on your way, walking cannot be far behind. And any moment your sister Riley will be catching up with you and the fun will begin!!


mariellen said...

Ta Da! All that persistence paid off! What a look of accomplishment.

Granny Smith

Kathy said...

She looks so pleased and like she has been doing this for a while. Oh Ma and Pa watch out..get those skates out. She will be like her cousin Roger walking at 9 months.How could I forget.

G.A Kathy

Patti said...

Yea Sanna! You look so proud! I hope you are continuing to try to get into the equipment under the TV! :)