Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, May 1, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

So we went to the Indianapolis Zoo to add some excitement to our lives when Grandma Nancy and Great Aunt Patti were visiting.  It was a fun, but uneventful trip, but I'll try to share some of the highlights.  

The girls loved riding on the train, but for very different reasons.  Riley enjoyed taking in the scenery, while Sanna loved getting her feet tangled in the chain on the side of the bench and trying to eat it.  Laurin, Patti and Nance enjoyed sitting on hard, butt-injuring train seats that were built for people under 3 feet tall.  
Riley got really excited looking at all of the animals, but became frustrated by those darn invisible barriers.  What a cruel joke.  She promised that she would be gentle with those silly little meerkats ............... until they started taunting her.  As you can see from the previous pic of the day, Sanna was less than impressed with this lame place.  Afterall, none of these animals would fit in her mouth.  
Riley enjoyed leaning over all of the fences to stare at the animals, while Sanna preferred to examine the wood.  She didn't mind getting splinters in her gums apparently.  Trying to eat wood is much more exciting than blankly staring at silly animals that you can't grab, pinch and tourment like Frankie and Owen.
Both girls seemed to like the petting zoo because the animals all came right up to the fence.  Riley's hands and legs were pumping faster than ever before, and even Sanna let out some squeals of delight.  We wouldn't let them get too close for fear of getting kicked out of the zoo for animal cruelty.  They have good intentions, but tend to "play" a little rough.  
Finally it was off to the beautiful gardens.  This would be the perfect place for a nice little twin photo shoot .............. or a mulch/rock eating contest.  This picture sums up the experience and was the best picture that we got of the girls in all of that beautiful scenery.  
After a full day of fun Sanna finally got excited about something.  Apparently exotic animals are boring, but lounging, spitting frogs are pretty darn cool.
We'll try again next year.  Stay tuned.


Away We Go said...

reasons I enjoy Laurin's post more than that husband of hers:

1. very funny!
2. post large pictures and they can easily be downloaded
3. posts pictures within the text

Ryan, please take note of your wife and step up your game. She currently holds the place in my heart for HBIT (head blogger in town).

Patti said...

Funny Laurin....