Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Cuteness Explosion

We had our photo consultation today, and the results are glorious. Empty your bladders and ready a box of Kleenex. You are either going to weep, or pee yourself from all the cuteness. In an attempt to be depicted in a positive light, our consultationista Katie bribed us with cupcakes. She dealt with my attempts at comedy as well as my demands on her photo software well. The results can be seen at Click on the link to enter the site, not the blog. Then, click 'clients' at the top. The password is smith. If anyone wants to acquire photos, let me know. Apparently they wont photoshop babies, even really pudgy ones, so dont ask.


Kathy said...

Laurin and Ryan; What a plethora of wonderfulness. I liked 38/63 because it is the two of them but the others are terrific.Do you get the whole deal?.What a wonderful prize to get.She really caught the ladies in so many ways. And of course the dogs. Nice touch


Maria said...

i actually did almost cry. call me crazy (and i a may be), but a slide show of really cute babies put to music is very emotional:)
these are great pictures.

Big Ryan said...

The music almost got me too. Now, when I go to the site I just turn it off so I can focus.

Patti said...

I miss my beautiful babies.......