Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, April 3, 2009


Apparently there have been many people questioning our logic as parents due to the last video post.  Due to the fact the the dog in the video is not the size of a cat he could maul them at any moment.   I apologize to all of those who now cannot sleep as the fear for the lives of our children.  They still have their faces and do not have any type of dog slobber induced disease.  I am putting up two new polls to get a feel for the general sentiment of the verbal diarrhea readership.  We wondered why there were so few comments on that hilarious video.  


G.A.Sandy said...

hmmmmm.....what to say...

G.A. Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

a little bit of slobber goes a long way.....? r


Maria said...

i meant to comment, but forgot. i thought the video was great. i actually laughed out loud.
the girls are cuter than ever.