Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, January 24, 2009

What is Worse?

I feel this one warranted a post as opposed to a poll. Here I present two examples of awfulness: first is Sanna playing the piano. She is slapping it with angry blows and lacking any rhythm. Second is Bermes really abusing the use of a sweater vest in public. I think each is horrible in so many ways. My opinion is that this was Sanna's first attempt at playing a piano, Bermes has had 29 years to figure out clothing.


Away We Go said...


G.A.Sandy said...

hey- video not working 2 well....


Big Ryan said...

it worked earlier...I will reload it. Also, I dont know what is wrong with my email. It is working as far as I know.

G.A.Sandy said...

got the video right....
catchy little tune, Sanna!!


Nancy Hendrickson said...

I think Bermes is darling in her sweater vest, as is my oldest grandchild playing the piano with such passion!!!!!!!

G.A.Sandy said...

Wow, these babies are extraordinary is all I can say...watching their activity levels is really fun. Full of vim and vigor and wonderful curiosity.

Thanks, thanks,thanks;


ok- so I watch these videos every chance I is good for my smile muscles!!!!

angie bermes said...

OH k. first of all -- who is wetnurse?
second of all -- in my defense i thought the vest was a nice refreshing breeze of springwear in this god-forsaken winter. this, along with my new hand-me-down jeans and recent sighting of A.C. Slater I think my look as young kelly kapowski was charming.
Also banana has nO skills -- 5 months is plenty long to learn a jingle or two.