Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

WARNING! May Not Be That Cute/Interesting/Exciting if Youre Not Us

In this first video, you see Riley sitting up for a minute straight without help. She even starts up her toy, which plays the same 30 second song over an over again. This was the first time she started it herself, so it hasnt gotten annoying yet. She cant get to this position on her own, but she has stabilization skills she didnt have before.

In this second video, we see Sanna showing her future as a close talker. She also apparently hasnt figured out which end of the dog to talk to. She had a fifty-fifty shot and blew it. I swear she is smart. When we picked her up, her face was covered with Owen's hair, which was kind of gross.

*As a quick side note, I think it is pretty much the most interesting thing ever to watch the two of them develop differently. We have our own little nature vs. nurture experiment going on under our roof. That assumes we treat them both exactly the same. I would say our treatment of them is commensurate with their attitude, so how do you judge our effect on them? Anyway, it appears that Riley is the queen of sitting up (Sanna isnt even close). Sanna is the queen of rolling over (Riley has lost interest after being first to it). They both talk a lot, but Sanna talks constantly. Apparently Riley is more masculine, and beefy. I cant wait to see them when they can walk, talk, and dish out attitude. Its gonna be crazy.


mariellen said...

How exciting! She looks so grown up sitting there all by herself. She even got the toy playing all by herself!
Sanna's babbling is also precious--Owen seems to not mind being pawed at all.
Watching the two develop at different rates is fascinating and just shows that we all march to a different drummer. Each will have their own wonderful personality.
Videos make me feel (almost) like I"m there watching them make these huge leaps.
Granny Smith

Patti said...

Keep the video's comming! As mariellen said, it makes us feel like we are sharing all the new accomplishments. These video's are WAY more cute/interesting/exciting than you could ever know! Thank you!

G.A.Sandy said...

Well, my adjectives for my great-nieces are:
plentiful pulchritudinous pictures of perspicacity!!!

Absolutely!! Ok- I confess I've been playing Banana...

Thank you, thank you for these videos done with such pastiche!!!

G.A. Sandy

Nancy Hendrickson said...

Not only did Sanna get hair from Owen she is sprouting quite a crop of her own! Both girls are losing their "male pattern baldnesss" look. What cuties, and how smart and talented :)

Jill said...

FYI, just want to say that you should never use the adgective stout when referring to a female. You will pay for that in future years. Have you ever dealt with girls? You better get used to it.

Big Ryan said...

I am pretty sure I called her beefy, not stout. Women like that, right?

Kathy said...

why do you even use the word masculine with the ladies Ryan? Each person is unique and repeats their pattern of uniqueness through life.What a wonderful opportunity for those of us far away to stay close to them as they make major milestones with their feminine wiles.

G.A.Sandy said...

Hi- Ryan, trying to email you but cannot get thru...any idea why??

Aunt Sandy