Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Our Beautiful Son?

So, we understand that due to their lack of hair and massive size it is often difficult to determine if Sanna and Riley are boys or girls.  But, if we dress them in solid pick sleepers and a pink hat you would thing people would have sufficient reasons to guess they were girls.  Today at church, a guy was introduced to Riley and referred to her as 'he' soon after.  Apparently he assumed she was a boy because he assumed Riley was a boys name.  I dont really know any boy Rileys, but I understand that it is a name used for both genders.  Are our girls going to require solid pick dresses and bows in their hair throughout their lives to be recognize as women?  I wasnt able to take a picture of Riley in her super-girly outfit, but this will do as a representative picture of similar garb.


Maria said...

this probably is no consolation, but my sisters and i were frequently referred to as boys even when we were like 5 or 6--apparently because my mom kept our hair in a short style. (at least that is what we tell ourselves so that we retain some remnant of self esteem). i have also had people refer to ada as a boy, and i don't think she (or your girls) look manly at all.

Bri said...

People are idiots. I mean her name isn't Butch or Hank. I bet he is probably the same person that asks when someone is due when they are completely not pregnant.

(Was that too harsh? Sorry, I am a pregnant Beeeotch.)

Kathy said...

Do not sweat the small stuff or small people..

Auntie K

angie bermes said...

i thought riley was a boy too... shit - musta been wayyy off