Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, January 16, 2009

My apologies

To all the loyal Verbal Diarrhea readers (Ive nicknamed you the diarrhea divas), I must apologize. It has been way too long since my last post. I have been on business travel which was preceded by vacation. I spent most of the week in sunny Minneapolis, enjoying the -30F weather. Id never thought I would be excited for 0F. Anyway, to get us started, here is a video of Riley's newest pastime, which is watching Frankie. There will be more to come soon, I promise.


Patti said...

Poor Frankie didn't look too happy at the end of the he ashamed that his sister is laughing at him? (That is TOO funny!)

Patti said...

BTW Ryan...Yes you have been slacking on the blog updates but I wasn't going to complain as I was lucky enough to be involved in your lives for the last two weeks. Keep those blog entrys coming!

Maria said...

this is way too cute. your girls are going to have to start getting ugly or something so i don't have to feel like my kids aren't cute enough:)

C8ertot said...

Watching Frankie is also my favorite pastime when in Smithville. I especially like it when he goes into spinning mode. I bet the girls like it too.

G.A.Sandy said...

Hooray, hooray - the blog is back! I figured that you were off on business but it sure is great to get this new one today.

Made us laugh and want to reach in the computer and hug you all...
