Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, January 3, 2009

Look at Me Having Fun w/ Babies

To all you party poopers who told us our lives would be over now that we have babies, take a look at this. I have found a way to integrate babies into all my normal activities so that I can have all the fun I would have had pre-babies. Today, for instance, I played shuffleboard, pinochle, ate a sweet meal,had a dance party, and took a sweet family portrait (four generations), all while directly caring for a baby. I want to thank the wonderful people at Baby Bjorn for making this all possible.  


G.A.Sandy said...

I think you have outdone yourself this time!!!!
Wow! Are these great pics and the video is hilarious, and you did it all without a musical beat!
Loved all the pics on the photo stream...made us feel we were right there with you...
Congrats- as far as I am concerned you and Laurin are parents of the year!!!!! And of course, there are grandparents and great grandparents of the year and aunts of the year.....

Love; G.A. Sandy

Ryan Iannucci said...

I'm glad to see the right leg tuck is not reserved for Wii bowling alone.