Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Am I a Miracle Worker?

So, while I was gone in frigid Minneapolis for a few days, Laurin didnt have such a fun time with the babies. There was a cold circulating through the Smith women (mostly Laurin and Sanna), and Riley was practicing for her upcoming role on 'Bad Girls Club'. After hearing Laurin threaten all kinds of violence on herself and the babies (mostly Riley), I was afraid to come home. Much to my surprise, when I returned home the ladies were perfect angels. Both ladies slept 12 hours the first night I was home. Laurin had stated while I was gone that they would never sleep through the night again. Riley magically remebered how to bounce again. We had been worried about her after 3 weeks sans bouncy chair she didnt seem interested in her favorite pastime. Also, the tantrums stopped. We had nothing but happy babies. Could it have been my calming, inspiring presence that caused all of these positive changes? I am going to look into what needs to be happen to officially be recognized as a saint. I am sure I performed at least three miracles. Anyway, see this video of Sanna's newest love, the bounce chair. She had previously been unable/disinterested in bouncing. She is friggin crazy now.

*Laurin's recollection of the above events may differ slightly from mine.


G.A.Sandy said...

I think you are both miracle workers!!! Do they each have a bouncy chair? A duet????
Now both of them bouncing and laughing are the music for our days.....

Love you all:
G.A. Sandy

Patti said...

I totally heard Riley say "ma-ma" at .25 on the tape! Go Riley! :)
Sanna is going to bounce her way right out of that chair! Funny!

angie bermes said...

faaariggin adorable