Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, September 1, 2008

Who is Who Revisited

Here is your chance to prove your commitment to the blog.  Who pays the closest attention to the differentiating features of our ladies?  It is also a chance to for those secret blog readers to show themselves.  There is no need to hide.  Everyone is welcome to join in the hilarity.  Also, I need to point out again that the picture of the fat babies are not our babies, they are not digitally edited pictures of our babies.  In fact, I dont know whose babies they are.  Over the past week, we have learned of blog admirers from across the country.  We welcome all of them and any comments they have on the blog, or on features they would like to see on the blog.  I was also told to remind people that if you click the slideshow, you can see all the pictures.  The slideshow just flips through the latest upload.  The latest 200 pics are always on the flickr account.


Kathy said...

I check in daily and always play the slide show Ryan. I am learning your humor as well.Keep it coming.

Maria said...

i have no idea which one is which. but i do like the blog and i think these girls are the cutest (2nd only to my kids:))

Patti said...

I can tell now, but I won't say as I have had unfair advantage (getting to spend the last 3 days with them). They are beautiful!
I miss you all!



Melissa said...

i thought i had it all figured out until last night when i thought riley was sanna. but for this quiz, i think riley is on the right. PS - my mom and sisters read this too though they are too shy/busy to post. also, i am not sure my mom knows how to post.

G.A.Sandy said...

Sanna on the left, Riley on the right?????

As they are putting on more weight it is getting harder to tell...gotta get this straight!!

G.A. Sandy

p.s. loved the writeup on the swing...and the black and whites are splendid....
Great Gramma Angie would be pleased.....