Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Who can stop this cuteness juggernaut?

I know you're all thinking "the cuteness cage match has really gotten boring since Ryan the Child was entered.  Noone stands a chance".    I have toppled some formidable opponents, and have pitted another one against me this morning.  While she isnt riding a sweet tricycle or wearing overalls, she is bringing the cute.   Will she have enough game to move forward, I guess we will have to wait and see.  Let me assure you that I have not cast a single vote for myself.  Despite my apparent computer mastery, I have not rigged the voting.  I am no Katharine Harris.    

1 comment:

G.A.Sandy said...

from a good loser.....could not win to a better or cuter guy!!! there a booby prize???

the Child Sandy