Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, September 13, 2008

What's funnier?

Here I present two videos: One that includes Sanna displaying her ability to break wind, and the other demonstrating Riley's ability to projectile puke (on her sister). If the puke had been more intense and covered Sanna I think it would be an easier choice. You can decide. They also include some sweet ninja action.


Kathy said...

I vote for Sanna much more rhythmic in her motions. But hey to puke on command well that is a talent that has not been explored.
Both using their GI tracts in unison. Amazing. Leo's doctor says it is all about Gas so that is another reason for my vote.
Thanks for the videos I love them.

G.A.Sandy said...

These little blog videos are charmers, thanks so much, they brighten up our day.

I vote it is a tie!! And wow are these little kickers....looks like they are practicing how to chew on each others arms and hands as well.... interesting days ahead.

G.A. Sandy

mariellen said...

Looks like they are really starting to be aware of each other.
They are going to be the dynamic duo and have lots of fun adventures together. As far as the active GI tract goes, I believe they got that from their daddy.

Jill said...

I think they are both getting ready to turn over any day now! Wait till they start crawling, then you are really in for it.

C8ertot said...

I didn't know they made athletic socks for babies...

Patti said...

Definately, the puke!